Review Coordinators & Reviewers

How to update Review Coordinators and Reviewers against a Document or Pack

Assigning Review Coordinators & Reviewers

Review Coordinators & Reviewers can be assigned to a Document or Pack during the following review stages; Unassigned, Under Review, and Follow up Review.

Initial Review Coordinator & Reviewer assignment will be undertaken by a Document Controller during the Unassigned review stage.
During the Under Review or Follow up Review stages, the now assigned Review Coordinator(s) or Reviewer(s), can also update the assignment. (Reviewers will only be able to assign additional reviewers)


  1. Open the document or pack by clicking View or Review - the option depends on your involvement in the document review and the review stage.
  2. Within the document view, in the top righthand corner, click on the green forward button 'Forward to another reviewer'
  3. Within the pop-up,
    1. Assign Reviewers by
      1. Entering individual users within the 'Email' field, and/or,
      2. Entering the name of a defined user group within the 'Group Name' field.
    2. Assign Review Coordinators by entering individual users within the Review Coordinators field.
  4. Click Save
  5. The assigned users will now appear within the respective Review Coordinator, and Reviewers columns within the document table.

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