Add Users To Your Project

  1. Select “Menu” on the right hand side, followed by “Accounts” and finally “Manage Users”
  2. Here you can amend roles for existing users or add new users
  3. Please select “Add New”
  4. Enter the email address user, their required roles (see below) followed by ATLAS as the default mode.
  5. Once all the details are entered, select “Save New User”
  6. The new users will now be able to create a password and log into their account. Please see the Setting Up Your Account Tutorial

When adding users, you will need to apply the following roles:

ATLAS Admin Users require the following 3 roles:

  1. Atlas:Admin
  2. 3D:Admin
  3. Assets:assets.Roles.Admin

ATLAS Standard Users require the following 3 roles:

  1. Atlas:Creator
  2. 3D:Viewer
  3. Assets:assets.Roles.Creator

Note: You can make Standard Users read-only too, by setting 'Atlas:Creator' to 'Atlas:Viewer' and 'Assets:assets.Roles.Creator' to 'Assets:assets.Roles.Viewer'

System admins should have the 'AIMS:roles.Sysadmin' role, which will allow them to manage users, user roles and groups.