Model Reviews & Commenting

ATLAS allows users to participate in model reviews through using the model commenting feature.

Multiple users can comment on the same model concurrently allowing for a fully collaborative review experience.

Users who have access to a model can use the 'Comments' option to open the commenting function and both view existing comments and leave new comments.

Leaving a Comment

  1. Click on the 'Comments' menu button.

  2. Select the add new comment button within the comments panel.

  3. Click upon the model where you wish to leave your comment.

  4. Enter your comment message and click the send icon to save.

Viewing Existing Comments

  1. Click the 'Comments' menu button.
    Existing comments will be indicated by comment pins displayed over the model.

  2. To view comment details, either:

    1. Expand the comment panel where all comment details are displayed, or

    2. Click on a comment pin to open the details.

Replying to Comments

  1. Open the comment details.
  2. Within the response text box, enter your response and click the send button.
  3. Responses are displayed beneath the original comment message.

Closing Comments

  1. Click the red 'Outstanding comment' icon next to the comment number, either within the comments panel, or within the comment pin comment window.

  2. Once resolved the comment will display a blue tick icon.

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