Model Hierarchy Settings
ATLAS allows for both a default model hierarchy to be set by a Sysadmin user, and for individual users to set their own prefered hierarchy if required.
Default Model Hierarchy
Sysadmin users only.
Pre-requisite: to be able to set a model hierarchy a model must first be uploaded into ATLAS. ATLAS Then indexes the available attributes from the model and allows these to be selected for use in the hierarchy. Everytime a model is uploaded, any new unique attributes are added to this attribute index.
Access the Admin settings by selecting 'Accounts' from the right panel menu and then click on 'Admin settings' within the pop-up.
Within the 'Model Settings' under the 'Default Model Hierarchy' section, select from the available attributes for each elevel of hierarchy.
Click 'Apply' to save the changes.
Your Model Hierarchy Settings
Users of ATLAS have the option to overwite the default hierarchy settings to suit their needs.
Within the right hand panel, under the 'Models' section, click upon the 'Model Tree Hiereachy Settings' icon.
Under the 'Your Model Settings' users can select the hierarchy attributes they require if they need a different set up to the default setting.
Once any updates have been made, click 'Save'.
You must refresh the page and reload your model for the new hierarchy settings to become visible.
Updated 1 day ago