Generic Asset Data Import
Using a Generic Asset Data Import to Update Your Asset Records
Accessing Generic Asset Data Imports
Along the top menu bar, click on ‘Import’
The Import Configurations List page will then open, displaying any existing configurations along with the option to create new configurations.
Import File Preparation
Create your file containing the data you wish to import. The spreadsheet data structure should consist of a header row that contains the attribute names for each column of data. This header row is required within the 'Map Sheet' stage of the configuration setup.
Currently files for import need to be in .xlsx format
Whilst not necessary, it is recommended to include the data column that will act as the Lookup column as the first column of the data set. This should be a column that contains a unique identifier for each asset to allow the mapping of attribute data against the correct assets.

Example Import Data Structure
It is also good practice to set the Excel sheet name to something relevant to the import, as the sheet name is also involved within the 'Map Sheet' stage of the configuration setup.
Creating an Import Template
If you are not planning to import any data and are just creating an import template, you can upload a file that contains only the header row. This will form a template file users can then use when they intend to use the import to load data.
Creating a New Import Configuration
Click the ‘Create New Configuration’ button.
Create Configuration
Enter a name for the configuration and click on Create.
Use a name relevant to the Asset class and data you are importing to make it easier to manage your configured imports.
Upload File
Click on ‘Upload Template’ to navigate to and select the file you wish to import.
Upon clicking open on the file browser window and then clicking 'Start' you will see the file upload progress.
Map Sheet
Select the sheet name that contains your data, and enter the row number for the header row within the import sheet, then click on ‘Map Sheet’.
Map Fields
Following the mapping of the sheet, the field mapping page will appear. Here the asset class is selected and the individual fields from within the import file are mapped to their corresponding attributes.
- Select the Asset Class you are importing data for.
- To see both global and local attributes within the available fields table uncheck the 'Show Ony Global Attributes'
You can also filter the available attributes by context. - Map the attributes from your import sheet (lefthand list), by clicking and dragging them across to their corresponding attribute within the righthand table.
Ensure that you map the field containing the unique asset ID value to associate the data to the asset(s) held within the system.
We recomend using the unique EMT tag number.
- For the unique ID field being mapped, you will need to set this field to ‘Lookup’ within the ‘Attribute Look-up Condition’ column.
(The unique ID field is that which is providing the link between the data being imported and the asset(s) in the system)Generic Asset Data Imports can also be used to create assets
To create assets simply ensure that you specify an asset class, and exclude a 'Lookup' attribute mapping when configuring the mapping for the import configuration.
A new asset will be created for each row of data within your improt file, as well as bringing in any associated data.
- Upon completing the mapping for the fields you wish to import, click on ‘Save Configuration’.
Once saved, two further options appear; 'Import Data' and 'Done'.
- Done will exit the mapping screen and direct you back to the Import Configurations List page, without having run any data import. To subsequently run the import, click on the ‘View Mapping’ button again.
- Import Data will run the import of the data from the uploaded file. When the button is pressed, it will display ‘Processing’ to indicate that the import has begun.
A message will also be displayed with a link to the Change Approvals screen, where you will be able to view the change sets that are generated from the import.
If remaining upon the mapping screen, once the import has completed a further message will display, 'Saved Import Data successfully…’, before it redirects you to the configurations lists page.
Setting Configuration Type
By default a configuration will be saved as a User Configuration, which is only available to the user who created it.
To allow a configuration to be used by the wider project, within the field mapping page there is a checkbox option to assign the configuration as a Project Configuration or not. This option can be toggled at any stage, by any permitted user.
If a configuration has been set as a Project Configuration, and subsequently a user unchecks the Project Configuration option, the configuration will revert to a User Configuration under the user who initially set up the configuration, and means that the configuration will no longer be available project wide, unless it is set as a Project Configuration once again.
Publishing Data
To commit the imported data to the live AIMS data, the corresponding change sets will need to be published.
See ‘Change Management and Approvals’.
Using Generic Asset Data Imports
Import File Preparation
To use an existing import configuration, you will need to create an Excel (.xlsx) file containing the data you wish to import. The file needs to be in the same format as the data file used against the import configuration when it was initially set up.
The worksheet containing the data for import needs to have the same sheet name as that used during the configuration setup.
The data also needs to contain columns headed with the same names as those mapped from the initial file within the field mapping.
To ensure that you are using a file that will work for the chosen configuration, you can click on the green circle icon on the left of the configuration name, this will open a sub row that contains a link to the previous file used for the configuration.
Clicking this link will download a copy of the file, which can then be used as the template for another import run. I.e. by replacing the data within the downloaded file, leaving the header row untouched and keeping the same sheet name.
File Upload
Once the file is ready, select the corresponding ‘Upload File’ button for the import configuration. Navigate to the file and select it for upload.
After selecting the file, select ‘Start’ to load it into the system.
Running an Import
After uploading the file for import, click on the adjacent ‘View mapping’ button.
This will open the field mapping screen, where if necessary you can double check the mapping for the configuration, otherwise you can click the 'Import Data' button to begin the data import.
Publishing Data
To commit the imported data to the live AIMS data, the corresponding change sets will need to be published.
See ‘Change Management and Approvals’.
Updated 5 months ago