Creating Class Relation Types

Relation types need to be defined within the active configuration in order to allow assets to be related.

Relation types can represent both physical and functional relations that may require capturing.

Having this flexibility allows for many relation structures to be held concurrently for the assets upon a project.

To create a relation between a parent (target) asset and child (source) assets, the relevant relation type between the two relevant asset classes must first be present within the active asset configuration.

Adding a Relation Type

  1. Open the desired asset configuration for editing.
  2. Expand the tree view to see the desired class.
  3. Left click on the class to open the class configuration modal.
  4. Open the Relations section.
  5. Click on 'Add New' towards the bottom left.
  6. Enter the type of the relation that you are creating.
    If relation types have already been created, as you begin to enter the type, existing options will appear for selection.
  7. Next, enter the target asset classes for which this relation can apply.
  8. Click 'Add' and your relation will appear within the class's relation configuration.

Removing a Relation Type

  1. Open the desired asset configuration for editing.
  2. Expand the tree view to see the desired class.
  3. Left click on the class to open the class configuration modal.
  4. Open the Relations section.
  5. Click the trashcan icon against the relation you wish to remove.
  6. Confirm the deletion.