Guidance notes for Creating & Updating Assets

This page will help you get familiar with the /asset/ endpoint for creating & updating Assets using ATLAS API

Interaction diagram of Asset creation and updates using ATLAS API

Interaction diagram of Asset creation and updates using ATLAS API

Asset Revisions

If a changeset of null is passed in while creating or updating an asset, then a new changeset is automatically created. Once a changeset is created, it can be reused in subsequent updates and changes as long as its status is "Work in Progress". The changes are finalised and visible to other users only once the changeset is published. During this time, changeset can also be rolled back.

When updating an asset in a new revision, a new changeset (different to the one that created it) must be specified or created (by passing changeset as null).


insert a first revision of a new asset

insert second revision of an asset in a different changeset

partial update of an existing revision

delete asset revision

publish or rollback a changeset


Please refer to the code recipe below

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